Tony Anamege's MIT Fullstack Developer Bootcamp Projects

My name is Tony Anamege. I am a student at the MIT xPRO Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp.

The purpose of this website is to demonstrate my level of proficiency in certain programming languages which I have learned during the Coding Bootcamp. I have so far completed three languages - JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. My level of knowledge has aided me in completing three projects – all of which have been published on my GitHub and Git-Pages.

I am continuing to develop myself by learning React through the Bootcamp which will enable me to build, test, and deploy front-end web applications. Down the road, I will be learning how to build APIs and develop, test, and deploy other web applications using the MERN stack. By the completion of the Bootcamp, I would have gained enough knowledge to become a Fullstack Developer.

Programming Langauges Used For Projects:
